There are quirky laws around the world. They make you wonder what politicians were thinking when they voted yes. Canada is no exception. This expansive country has some unusual legal offerings that might suggest its parliamentarians were taking advantage of marijuana. By the way it's is already legal in some provinces. And due to be legalized nationally next year.
This quiz offers you a glimpse into the Canadian legal psyche. It’s up to you to discern truth from fiction or place the weird regulation in the correct region of this sweeping Northern land. The main question to ask yourself is, can you do that in Canada, or can't you? Good luck, eh?
Quiz Writer
As a child, Haven enjoyed learning everything they could about many subjects, though the best resource was her grandma’s old stack of encyclopedias in those days. Today, Haven still likes to know a bit about everything. When they're not researching information for their posts or flexing that history degree, Haven's going through the quizzes of other authors on the site - because this is where the facts are found! Visitors to our site turn to Haven's fun and factual articles to learn about all kinds of things, from do-it-yourself ideas to the wider world. Those who prefer to get their facts in article format can find Haven all across the web, as well.
Did you know?
An important Canadian law is the Official Languages Act (or, in French, Loi sur les langues officielles), which gives French and English equal status throughout the nation. The law came into force in 1969 to confirm language rights and privileges across Canada. Still, as early as 1867, the year of Confederation, both languages could be used in debates in Canada’s Parliament. The law, though, is only enforceable at the federal level and cannot be applied to provincial or municipal governments or businesses. Each province or territory has its own right to adopt individual policies protecting languages. In fact, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island are unilingual English. Quebec has French as its majority language, but bilingualism is recognized. Only Nunavut adds additional languages into the mix with Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun officially recognized in this part of the country divided from the Northwest Territories in 1999.
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