Wednesday has taken the streaming world by storm. With it's long-history of lovable Adaams family characters and a host of new faces, the show's addictive, young adult mystery has everyone talking. Whether you've watched the original Adaams Family or the movie remake, Wednesday is the perfect addition to the creepy family's lineup. If you've been wondering which Wednesday character you're most like, you've come to the right place. Once we place you on the campus of Nevermore and ask you a few strategic questions that did as deep as Wednesday's investigations, it will be easy to find out which one you are. Tell us about the Nevermore choices you would make, and we'll tell you which of the beloved show's characters your life resembles most! Scroll down to get started.
History Lesson
The Addams Family is known for its dark humor and macabre themes, so it's no surprise that some spooky things have been reported to have happened on the sets of its various adaptations over the years. From strange noises and unexplained occurrences to eerie coincidences and unexplainable accidents, the Addams Family film sets have been the source of some truly frightening tales.
One of the most notable spooky events on an Addams Family set took place during the filming of the 1991 movie. According to reports, strange things began happening on set, including unexplained noises and flickering lights. Some crew members even reported feeling a strange presence on set, leading many to believe that the set was haunted. These events were so unsettling that some members of the crew refused to continue working on the movie until a priest was brought in to bless the set.
Another spooky occurrence on an Addams Family set was reported while the 2019 animated movie was in production. While recording a scene in which the character of Wednesday Addams was walking through a cemetery, the sound engineer reported hearing strange noises coming from the sound booth. Despite extensive checks, the source of the noises could not be found. Some members of the crew claimed that the noises were the result of a ghostly presence on the set.
Several eerie coincidences have also taken place on Addams Family sets over the years. For example, during the filming of the original television series, actors John Astin and Jackie Coogan, who played Gomez and Uncle Fester, reported experiencing strange coincidences in their personal lives. For example, Astin claimed that the script for one episode was eerily similar to something that had happened to him in real life. Meanwhile, Coogan reported having dreams that were closely tied to the events in the show.
In addition to these strange occurrences, accidents on Addams Family sets have been deemed spooky, though perhaps simply because of the show's reputation. During the filming of the 2019 animated movie, one of the actors suffered a strange injury that was never fully explained. The actor, who was playing the character of Wednesday Addams, was walking down a flight of stairs when she suddenly stumbled and fell. Despite being unharmed, the incident was described as being eerie and otherworldly.
Despite these spooky events, the cast and crew of The Addams Family adaptations have continued to work on the franchise, and its popularity has only continued to grow. Whether it's because of the eerie stories that have come out of the sets, or simply because the franchise has a timeless appeal, The Addams Family continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of humor, horror, and heart. Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, it's hard to deny that there is something preeeeetty spooky about this iconic franchise.
Quiz Writer
Charlie took to the written word like a fish takes to water. That is to say; they found themselves immersed in literature from before they were born. They've been known to tell their friends how they can still remember the passages their parents read to them when they were in utero - Emily Dickinson, Jane Austen, and a bit of Hunter S. Thompson thrown in to balance it out. Charlie keeps their feet wet, whether they're whipping up pithy one-liners to tease your brain or busy working on their second novel (the first one is available on Amazon under a pen name they refuse to disclose). You’re sure to get a kick out of giggle-worthy explanations and outrageous hints, and still come away feeling like you’ve just expanded your knowledge base.
Did you know?
There's no doubt you probably remember seeing the old black and white TV show — at least on late-night TV, and you probably remember the 2019 movie version starring Chloë Grace Moretz as Wednesday, but there was another version of the Adaams family that you might not know about. Way back in the 1930s, a cartoon depicted the delightfully morbid family in The New Yorker. Back then, the characters didn't have names, and the readers were left to name them with their imaginations. It wasn't until the television show started being recorded in 1964 that the characters were given their lovable names. Since then, Morticia has been explaining that Wednesday got her name from an old poem that assigns a phrase to each day of the week. Wednesday's name comes with the phrase, "Wednesday's child is full of woe." Don't judge! One of the things we've always loved about the Adaams family is that they've always had their own way of doing things.
How to Play?
Our personality quizzes are set up a little differently than your basic trivia quiz, but you’ve probably seen their kind around. Rather than having to choose the right answer from a list of multiple choice options, in this case, there is no “right answer”! (Two plus two will always be four, but every Golden Girls character is equally awesome.)
So, stop stressing. Just click on the answer that suits you best, and enjoy the ride. These quizzes are just for fun but who knows – you might just learn something about yourself along the way!
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