What's Your Political Compass?

Political compass or political spectrum chart vector with ideologically representative political colours and horizontal socioeconomic and vertical sociocultural axis

Hey there. Glad to see you. Have you taken an interest in politics lately? It's hard not to be inundated with them when they flood the news and social media. Are you unsure how your political views stack up against other people's? For most, it's not as simple as whether they're liberal or conservative. The vast majority of people have political views that blend the two together. Your political opinions are important, aligning closely with your personal values and, most likely, your voting behavior. If you're not sure how to define yourself on a political compass, you're in the right spot. These questions will address how involved (or uninvolved) you think the government should be in all sorts of topics.

History lesson

The Party Founders' Reluctance

In the early days of the American republic, political parties formed despite the founding fathers' public denouncement of such factionalism. In his farewell address, George Washington famously warned against the dangers of political parties, fearing they would lead to foreign influence, corruption, and insurrection. Despite these warnings, the political landscape of the newly formed United States saw the birth of its first political parties, spearheaded by key figures within Washington's own administration.

The clash between Thomas Jefferson, the Secretary of State, and Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, over the direction of the young nation laid the groundwork for the first American political parties. Jefferson envisioned a nation of yeoman farmers, advocating for a less energetic central government, a vision that eventually led to the formation of the Democratic-Republican Party. On the other hand, Hamilton's ambition for the United States to become a commercial power led to the creation of the Federalist Party.

This ideological rift within Washington's cabinet not only marked the beginning of the American party system but also highlighted the complex relationship between political ideals and practical governance. Despite their initial resistance, Jefferson and other founding fathers found themselves at the helm of these emerging factions, demonstrating the inevitable pull of political parties in organizing and directing democratic governance.

As history unfolded, these early divisions evolved, shaping the dynamic and often tumultuous landscape of American politics. The transformation of the Democratic-Republican Party into the modern Democratic Party and the eventual dissolution of the Federalist Party underscore the fluid nature of political allegiances and the enduring impact of these foundational conflicts on the American political system.

Kyle, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterKyle, Heywise Staff

If you’ve never cracked open a quiz by Kyle, you’re missing out. This savvy examinator writes his knowledge from a place of passion - he made it to the final round in a quiz show as a child, and his love of the question-answer format was born. Never one to sit on his laurels, after losing out to a well-read young lady named Myrtle, Kyle set out become the best quiz master the internet has ever known. In his six-year tenure as a test-writer, has Kyle written for a) three quiz sites b) no quiz sites c) more than 30 quiz sites d) National Geographic. Yes - his friends also find him kind of obnoxious (and the answer is C). If you’re serious about your status as a supreme quizard and are determined to make your way through the ranks to our Expert level, you won’t be able to escape a few of Kyle’s challenging, informative projects.

Did you know?

What does a political compass look at?

Your political compass helps define what you think about the government's power and the economy. People who lean on the libertarian side tend to err on the side of believing that people have immense freedom to do what they'd like. Those who identify as more authoritarian recognize that the government is a necessary authority that should not be questioned except in particular scenarios. They believe the government should maintain control over the people for everyone's best interest. Likewise, people can lean left or right based on what they think of the state of the economy. Left-leaning people believe that some organization or group should oversee and regulate the economy. Those leaning right tend to favor free markets with as little regulation as possible. Many people land somewhere in the middle of these spectrums, but you might surprise yourself and find that you lean further to one side than the other.

How to Play?

Our personality quizzes are set up a little differently than your basic trivia quiz, but you’ve probably seen their kind around. Rather than having to choose the right answer from a list of multiple choice options, in this case, there is no “right answer”! (Two plus two will always be four, but every Golden Girls character is equally awesome.)

So, stop stressing. Just click on the answer that suits you best, and enjoy the ride. These quizzes are just for fun but who knows – you might just learn something about yourself along the way!

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