What's Your Cognitive Style? Analytical, Creative, or Practical

Color drawing brain illustration in vintage style

How do you approach problems? What's your thought process when you're confronted with a challenge in day-to-day life? Most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about... well... how they think. However, knowing how your mind works can help you see things from other perspectives and improve your decision-making. Some people are analytical, others are creative, practical, or a mixture of the three. A good team will have people who think in different ways and whose outlooks complement each other. Each cognitive style brings something to the team and could learn a thing or two about thinking from the others. Those who can switch between cognitive "modes" depending on the task at hand are versatile and can handle all kinds of situations and talk to people from all walks of life with aplomb. Take this quiz to see what your cognitive style is. You may be surprised at the results!

History Lesson

Newton: A creative and scientific genius

Sir Isaac Newton, often hailed as one of history's greatest physicists and mathematicians, was not just a man of numbers and laws but also a beacon of creativity. His discoveries and inventions, from the laws of motion to the law of gravitation, didn't just widen the reaches of human thought; they showcased the power of a scientific and creative mind working in tandem. Newton's foray into optics, where he unraveled the nature of light, is a testament to his experimental spirit. He demonstrated that white light was a composition of different colors, a discovery that revolutionized the field. This was the same mind that developed the reflecting telescope, a design that addressed the inherent flaws of the prevalent refracting telescopes.

However, beyond his tangible contributions to science, there's a more nuanced facet to Newton's genius. Researchers have noted that Newton, known to be a neurotic brooder, had an uncanny ability to make outstanding creative breakthroughs. Neurotics, characterized by their propensity to worry, often display heightened creativity. This is attributed to their tendency to ruminate on problems, diving deep into their causes and potential negative effects. Such ruminations activate regions of the medial prefrontal cortex, areas linked to the conscious perception of threats. For Newton, this neuroticism might have been a double-edged sword. While it made him perceive threats where none existed, it also fueled his creativity, allowing him to dwell on problems longer than most, leading to groundbreaking solutions. As he ventured into the realms of calculus and optics, or when he pondered the forces governing the celestial bodies, it was this blend of neuroticism and creativity that guided him.

Newton's legacy isn't just about the laws and theories he left behind. It's also about understanding the intricate dance between the logical and creative facets of a mind, a dance that birthed discoveries that continue to shape our understanding of the universe.

Haven, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterHaven, Heywise Staff

As a child, Haven enjoyed learning everything they could about many subjects, though the best resource was her grandma’s old stack of encyclopedias in those days. Today, Haven still likes to know a bit about everything. When they're not researching information for their posts or flexing that history degree, Haven's going through the quizzes of other authors on the site - because this is where the facts are found! Visitors to our site turn to Haven's fun and factual articles to learn about all kinds of things, from do-it-yourself ideas to the wider world. Those who prefer to get their facts in article format can find Haven all across the web, as well.

Did you know?

You can change how you think?

Most people will unconsciously lean towards one way of thinking, and no thinking style is right or wrong, although some may apply better to specific tasks. It's possible to learn a new way of thinking, just like you can learn new physical skills. Training yourself in how to approach specific tasks that are out of your comfort zone can help you get ahead at work and socially. Knowing how you naturally think is also useful for identifying potential reasoning errors, logical fallacies, or potential mistakes before you make them. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is typically used to help people get out of irrational thinking patterns, but you can use similar techniques to train yourself to think more analytically or practically, or to think outside the box if you're not usually a creative person. The mind is more elastic than you think, and if you aim high, you can achieve almost anything!

How to Play?

Our personality quizzes are set up a little differently than your basic trivia quiz, but you’ve probably seen their kind around. Rather than having to choose the right answer from a list of multiple choice options, in this case, there is no “right answer”! (Two plus two will always be four, but every Golden Girls character is equally awesome.)

So, stop stressing. Just click on the answer that suits you best, and enjoy the ride. These quizzes are just for fun but who knows – you might just learn something about yourself along the way!

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Get knOwledgeable! Heywise is where entertainment and trivia meet, like a turducken of fun. Anytime. Anywhere. Since 2017, Heywise has been a leader of quizzes on the web, on mobile devices, and across social media.

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