What Movie or TV Show Paired Up These Actors?


Ah, love. True love. Or at the very least television or movie love. We've shouted at the screen in frustration waiting for the will-they/won't-they storyline to resolve. We've swooned at the sight of the on-screen moment when a pair of actors has sold us on their love so well that we're rooting to see them kiss. We may even have shed a tear when the love didn't work out.


Now, we’ll quiz you on how well you recognize the actor pairings in the screenshot. Can you recognize which movie or TV show they were in that saw them romantically involved? Or thwarted in their attempts to get together? Or perhaps they were sighing painfully from unrequited passion. Hollywood shows us all facets of the rocky road to love. Meanwhile, we’ll offer you a plot point related to their relationship or a recognizable line from the show or film to help jog your memory as you test your ability to place these actors cast as couples.

Kyle, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterKyle, Heywise Staff

If you’ve never cracked open a quiz by Kyle, you’re missing out. This savvy examinator writes his knowledge from a place of passion - he made it to the final round in a quiz show as a child, and his love of the question-answer format was born. Never one to sit on his laurels, after losing out to a well-read young lady named Myrtle, Kyle set out become the best quiz master the internet has ever known. In his six-year tenure as a test-writer, has Kyle written for a) three quiz sites b) no quiz sites c) more than 30 quiz sites d) National Geographic. Yes - his friends also find him kind of obnoxious (and the answer is C). If you’re serious about your status as a supreme quizard and are determined to make your way through the ranks to our Expert level, you won’t be able to escape a few of Kyle’s challenging, informative projects.

Did you know?

Ashton Kutcher was Mila Kunis' First Kiss

Back in 1998, Ashton Kutcher, at 20, and Mila Kunis, at 14, were cast on the show That 70s Show. At the time no one knew it would be such a hit. They also never knew that Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher would grow so close.

It wasn't long after the pilot episode that sparks began to fly between the two. However, it wasn't until 2012 that they announced their relationship. After all, that's when their relationship as a couple really began. For years, Mila Kunis dated Macaulay Culkin, and Ashton was married to Demi Moore. By 2016, they were married and had two kids!

Mila Kunis, however, said that she had a huge crush on the actor from day one. In fact, her very first kiss was when she was a young teen on That 70s Show. Yes, her first kiss ever was given to her now-husband Ashton Kutcher and it was scripted! She was very nervous to kiss her crush, the "Calvin Klein model" but he later admitted he was just as nervous, even though he didn't find out he was her first kiss until years later.

Although she liked him back them, she admits that they both needed to grow up before getting together and doesn't regret their time apart. Though she does enjoy the fact that on the show, she had a chance to go to prom with her future husband, and hopes that he will not only be her first kiss but her last as well.

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