What Level of Kinky Are You?

Paper lips cut-out with zipper on white background

What do you think of when someone mentions the word kinky? Do you imagine movies like "Eyes Wide Shut," black leather bodysuits, racy German clubs, and naughty contraptions you still have question marks about? Like a hair that curls, kinks refer to sexual practices that diverge from the "norm." These days, unconventional sexual preferences that are legal (because they occur between two consenting adults) tend to fall under the BDSM banner, but acceptable kinks aren't restricted to this subculture. There is also overlap because people can have more than one kink. It's interesting to note the difference between a kink and a fetish, too. The former refers to the enjoyment of erotic activity that falls outside "traditional" sex. The latter refers to a scenario where arousal isn't possible without the presence of the fetishized activity or object. You might be wondering how kinky you are. In this quiz, we parse the folks whose kinkiness doesn't go beyond peach and eggplant emojis from those fantasizing about a master-slave dynamic and other unusual antics inside or outside the bedroom. From this point, we use innocuous questions that are mostly safe for work (SFW) to get to the, eh, bottom of the matter.

History Lesson

The Kinky Journey of a Word

The word "kinky" has a history as twisted as its literal meaning. Originating from the Old Icelandic word "kikna," which meant to bend at the knees, it's a term that's been bending and twisting through languages and meanings for nearly a thousand years. Initially, it made its way from Middle Low German into Dutch as "kink," referring to a twist in a rope, before English speakers borrowed it in the 1600s. Back then, "kinky" described something full of kinks, like a curl or twist in thread, rope, or hair. It's fascinating how a word associated with the mundane act of bending or twisting could evolve to encompass so much more.

Haven, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterHaven, Heywise Staff

As a child, Haven enjoyed learning everything they could about many subjects, though the best resource was her grandma’s old stack of encyclopedias in those days. Today, Haven still likes to know a bit about everything. When they're not researching information for their posts or flexing that history degree, Haven's going through the quizzes of other authors on the site - because this is where the facts are found! Visitors to our site turn to Haven's fun and factual articles to learn about all kinds of things, from do-it-yourself ideas to the wider world. Those who prefer to get their facts in article format can find Haven all across the web, as well.

Did you know?

Exploring "kink" is not a modern trend, but something that has been part of human history for centuries

From ancient Rome to Victorian England, people have been experimenting with unique ways to express themselves and their desires. Kink, in its most basic form, is about breaking away from the ordinary and diving into creative, consensual, and often adventurous activities. It's not just about physical acts either—it's as much about imagination, playfulness, and trust between people. Interestingly, studies have shown that people who explore kink often report higher levels of communication and satisfaction in their relationships. So, while it may seem like a modern conversation topic, humans have always been curious and adventurous when it comes to expressing themselves. Just remember, the key to any healthy exploration of kink is consent, communication, and a shared sense of fun!

How to Play?

Our personality quizzes are set up a little differently than your basic trivia quiz, but you’ve probably seen their kind around. Rather than having to choose the right answer from a list of multiple choice options, in this case, there is no “right answer”! (Two plus two will always be four, but every Golden Girls character is equally awesome.)

So, stop stressing. Just click on the answer that suits you best, and enjoy the ride. These quizzes are just for fun but who knows – you might just learn something about yourself along the way!

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