What Colors Look Best on Me?

Crowd of young and elderly men and women in trendy hipster clothes. Diverse group of stylish people standing together. Society or population, social diversity.

The colors and tones can have a huge effect on our mood and outlook—and say a lot about us too. Not to mention some colors perfectly complement our looks and personalities, while others just seem to leave us looking and feeling like a washout. But the fact is, it's not always easy to judge for ourselves what shades suits us best. So we've put together this fun quiz to help you understand the colors that'll bring out your natural glow and make you look incredible—the ones that suit not just your sense of style but who you truly are inside. Are you an earthy Autumn or a sassy Spring? Maybe you're gentle like a hazy Summer evening, or sharp and cool like a crisp Winter's walk. You might be surprised at the result, but, whatever you get, embrace your color type and you'll never second guess your style again! No more following trends that make you feel more foolish than fabulous or falling back on a monochrome wardrobe of plain black or neutral staples. It's time to look your best and feel amazing.

History Lesson

Hues Through History: The Vibrant Story of Colors

The history of colors is as old as humanity itself, painting a vivid picture of our cultural evolution and technological advancements. In the earliest days, colors derived from nature—earth, plants, and minerals—were not just a means of artistic expression but a language that conveyed status, spirituality, and community. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and the Mayans developed sophisticated methods to create durable pigments, such as the striking Egyptian blue and the Mayan blue, which held not only aesthetic value but also significant cultural and religious importance. These early innovations laid the groundwork for the symbolic and practical use of color throughout history.

As we moved into the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the pursuit of vibrant colors reached new heights. The discovery and trade of exotic pigments, such as ultramarine from lapis lazuli, became a lucrative business, with such colors often reserved for the most sacred and significant artworks due to their rarity and cost. This period underscored the value societies placed on color, with hues like royal purple becoming synonymous with power and prestige. The development of new pigments and dyes during this time had a profound impact on fashion, art, and design, reflecting broader shifts in social and economic structures.

The industrial revolution marked a turning point in the history of colors, with the synthesis of chemical dyes introducing a spectrum of vibrant, stable colors accessible to a broader audience. This democratization of color transformed not just the textile industry but also the way people perceived and interacted with color in their daily lives. In the 20th century, the psychological and cultural implications of color were explored by artists and designers, leading to movements like color field painting and the strategic use of color in branding and advertising. Today, the history of colors continues to evolve with digital technology, allowing for unprecedented creativity and personalization in the use of color, yet the roots of our fascination with color remain deeply embedded in the natural world and our ancestral quest for expression and connection.


Peg, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterPeg, Heywise Staff

Don’t let her focus on food-related quizzes fool you, Peg is a pro in many arenas. Even though she spends most of her free time whipping up delicious cookies and concocting new recipes for easy but impressive gluten-free cakes, Peg’s brain holds a vast collection of knowledge about everything from baby animals to what you need to know to graduate from different school grades. While she’s the first to admit everything she reads doesn’t necessarily stick in her head, Peg keeps her mind fresh by reading the Financial Post and Globe and Mail on the regular, and coming up with fantastic ideas for new quizzes. She’s a secret fan of gossip, too, so watch out for her intense celeb topics!

Did you know?

The Power of Color

We all have our favorite shades, but every color can have a powerful effect on our feelings and mood. They can even impact the decisions we make. In fact, the impact of color psychology is so strong that businesses pay experts thousands, or even millions, of dollars to help them create color palettes that reflect their brands and impart the desired emotional response in their customers. Think of how often red is used to attract attention or suggest danger. It's a vivid and powerful color that evokes passion and can be highly energizing—but you'd probably not choose a scarlet or vermillion to decorate a room you want to relax in! Green, on the other hand tends to be very restful and serene and is associated with life, growth and the natural world. Yellow tones bring effervescent feelings of hope and joy, while most blues are calming and peaceful. Next time you feel stressed, depressed or otherwise in a bad mood, why not try changing the colors that surround you or put on a bright, cheery outfit and see how your feelings shift?

How to Play?

Our personality quizzes are set up a little differently than your basic trivia quiz, but you’ve probably seen their kind around. Rather than having to choose the right answer from a list of multiple choice options, in this case, there is no “right answer”! (Two plus two will always be four, but every Golden Girls character is equally awesome.)

So, stop stressing. Just click on the answer that suits you best, and enjoy the ride. These quizzes are just for fun but who knows – you might just learn something about yourself along the way!

About Heywise

Get knOwledgeable! Heywise is where entertainment and trivia meet, like a turducken of fun. Anytime. Anywhere. Since 2017, Heywise has been a leader of quizzes on the web, on mobile devices, and across social media.

We explore a broad range of topics – from sports to history, language to pop culture, personality to health. Our quizzes motivate readers to test their knowledge and learn new and exciting facts.

We’re inspired by food and unique destinations around the globe. We love movies and TV shows, but most of all we love having the opportunity to share these passions with you.

Have you ever wondered what color represents your personality? Do you know which Hogwarts House you belong to? Are you a Pessimist or an Optimist? Our unique personality quizzes will help you find out! We want to share the knowledge of all things awesome with you.

We’re the best quiz site on the internet. That might be our opinion, but it’s pure fact that we get up in the morning expressly to share awesome, eye-opening knowledge with you. So, come get your brain pumping.


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