Think You Know Facts About All 50 States?


The United States is made up of 50 individual states. The diversity of each state's landscape and people may be surprising to some who haven't had the pleasure of visiting much of the U.S. Often what you think you may know about a state and the reality can be widely different. Believe that you've got the chops to get every question right?

Charlie, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterCharlie, Heywise Staff

Charlie took to the written word like a fish takes to water. That is to say; they found themselves immersed in literature from before they were born. They've been known to tell their friends how they can still remember the passages their parents read to them when they were in utero - Emily Dickinson, Jane Austen, and a bit of Hunter S. Thompson thrown in to balance it out. Charlie keeps their feet wet, whether they're whipping up pithy one-liners to tease your brain or busy working on their second novel (the first one is available on Amazon under a pen name they refuse to disclose). You’re sure to get a kick out of giggle-worthy explanations and outrageous hints, and still come away feeling like you’ve just expanded your knowledge base.

Did you know?

There are some wacky laws in Washington State!

Did you know that in Washington, you can be arrested for harassing or stalking Bigfoot? So, if you see Bigfoot, just look the other way and mind your own business. If you are planning on entering Washington to see Bigfoot, stop at the city limits because before you enter, you must call the police and tell them you have criminal intentions. Any motorist with criminal intent must phone the police actually.

If it's Sunday, then don't plan on buying any meat at all! It's against the law. On Sunday, you also can't buy a mattress. So, no meat and no mattresses. If you have a cold, don't even go to the grocery store, because going out in public with a cold is also against the law. You won't see any lollipops if you do sneak out as they are illegal as they pose a choking hazard. This isn't enforced though, as it isn't as easy as taking candy from a baby.

Lying is prohibited, meaning, you can't tell anyone that your parents are rich. That's rude, as is spitting on the bus, which is outlawed. If a woman sits on a man's lap on that bus, she will automatically face six months in jail in Seattle (also in Seattle, no fishbowls on buses). It isn't statewide, but in Everett, Washington, it is illegal to display a hypnotized or allegedly hypnotized person in a store window. Again, so rude!

Footloose comes to life in Lynden, Washington, dancing, and drinking may not occur at the same establishment. So, yes, partying is pretty much banned. And finally, in Wilbur, you may not ride an ugly horse.

How to Play?

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