There is no sport more action-packed or physically demanding than hockey. Every October, fans can count on being part of the adrenaline rush from the very start of the regular season until Stanley Cup Finals. Players who survive the arduous regular season and emerge from the championship as victors are indeed legends. From the legendary Wayne Gretzky to the great Alex Ovechkin, this quiz covers some of the most notable hockey legends of our time. Through their careers and accomplishments, they've grown the sport into what its loyal fans enjoy today. Let's test your knowledge of NHL history and player statistics. Do you have what it takes to make it? Find out now!
Quiz Writer
Zach has been riding the gondola of trivia wherever the waters take him. Although he’s not a named consultant on any major quiz TV shows, Zach has watched them all since infancy and will happily take up any challenge whether it be pub quizzes or high-stakes matches he isn’t afraid to show up. And showing up is 90% of the work!
Did you know?
One of the most intriguing traditions in the NHL is what happens after a team wins the season. Each player on the winning team gets to spend exactly one day with the Stanley Cup to do with it as he pleases. Fans love to talk about this tradition long after the championship game is over. So what does a champion do once he has the cup in his possession? They fill it with food (or puppies or babies), of course! Throughout modern NHL history, players have filled their cups with an assortment of unusual things. Among these, cereal, meatballs, and dog food appear to be popular options with players. Other winners preferred to pay homage to their respective cultures and fill their cups with more traditional foods, such as poutine from Canada or pierogis from Russia. Ice cream, chocolate milk, chicken wings, caviar, and various candies are honorable mentions.
How to Play?
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Get knOwledgeable! Heywise is where entertainment and trivia meet, like a turducken of fun. Anytime. Anywhere. Since 2017, Heywise has been a leader of quizzes on the web, on mobile devices, and across social media.
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