Let's See How Sagittarius You Are

Saggitarius (Centaur The Archer) Zodiac constellation. Saggitarius sign corresponds to period from 22 November to 22 December.

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, one of the fire signs. Its ruling planet is Jupiter, a planet associated with openness and big-heartedness. It is the sign of the centaur and also the sign of the archer. (The sign is actually a centaur with a bow.) People born under the sign of Sagittarius tend to have great, big, energetic, positive personalities. Classically, they have a whole great list of traits associated with them, though there are a lot of different ways Sagittarians can express these traits. And, if you’re a Sagittarius, that may have you wondering how much you are like the “classic Sagittarius” type. Well, you’ll get to find out pretty quickly, too, because we’ve written an entertaining, insightful quiz to help you find out. Why don’t you get started on these fun questions and learn just how much of a Sagittarius you really are?

History lesson

Celebs who are Sagittarius

  • Miley Cyrus, the singer and actress, celebrates her birthday on November 23rd. She's known for her bold style and unapologetic personality, just like a true Sagittarius!
  • Rita Ora, the British singer, songwriter, and actress, turned 30 on November 26th. She's a multi-talented Sagittarius who's always pushing the boundaries in her career.
  • Chrissy Teigen, the model turned food writer, was born on November 30th in Delta, Utah. She's a Sagittarius who's not afraid to speak her mind, especially on social media.
  • Ben Stiller, the award-winning actor, and comedian, shares a birthday with Chrissy Teigen. He's a Sagittarius known for his humor and creativity.
  • Britney Spears, the iconic singer, was born in McComb, Mississippi, on December 2nd. Her resilience and determination are traits often associated with Sagittarius.
  • Julianne Moore, the actress and Academy Award winner, was born on December 3rd. She's a Sagittarius who's known for her versatile acting skills.
  • Tyra Banks, the model, and American TV personality, turned 47 on December 4th. She's a Sagittarius who's made a name for herself in the fashion and entertainment industry.
  • Jay-Z, the hip-hop rap icon, was also born on December 4th in Brooklyn, New York. His ambition and success are traits often seen in Sagittarius individuals.
  • Nicki Minaj, the Trinidadian-born rapper, celebrates her birthday on December 8th. She's a Sagittarius known for her unique style and powerful lyrics.
  • Taylor Swift, the award-winning singer, and songwriter, will ring in her 31st birthday on December 13th. She's a Sagittarius who's known for her catchy tunes and heartfelt lyrics.
Joselyn, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterJoselyn, Heywise Staff

Joselyn wasn’t too keen on multiple choice in high school. She vividly remembers the first biology exam she passed by only the skin of her teeth, which dragged her overall average down into the embarrassingly low 90s (she doesn’t want to talk about it). After swearing off any high school or university courses that required multiple choice tests, Joselyn managed to get an English degree by sweet-talking her professors into offering only essay-style exams. Needless to say, this did not exactly endear her to her peers. This rocky start smoothed out in time, though, and after tumbling down a black quiz hole one day while putting off job hunting, Joselyn realized her hatred of all things a-b-or-c had faded and she actually enjoyed dreaming up new ideas for questions and dangerously correct-sounding answers. You won’t find her quizzes an easy ride, but Joselyn just wants to make sure you’re really testing your knowledge.

Did you know?

There’s more to a Sagittarius than meets the eye

Sagittarius is a sign associated with being simple, straightforward, and honest. But that doesn’t mean that you really know what a Sagittarius thinks or feels, no matter how long you’ve known them. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are famously positive and energetic people, making them rather popular as friends. But that doesn’t mean that they are simply happy, positive people or that their surface personality is all there is to them. That’s because Sagittarians tend to have rich inner lives, and they aren’t given to impulsive behavior. So they tend to keep their inner lives to themselves unless they’ve known you for a long time and decided that they can trust you. If you ever do get to that point with a Sagittarian, be prepared to be shocked about how many new things you learn about your friend and the whole new perspective it gives you on them.

How to Play?

Our personality quizzes are set up a little differently than your basic trivia quiz, but you’ve probably seen their kind around. Rather than having to choose the right answer from a list of multiple choice options, in this case, there is no “right answer”! (Two plus two will always be four, but every Golden Girls character is equally awesome.)

So, stop stressing. Just click on the answer that suits you best, and enjoy the ride. These quizzes are just for fun but who knows – you might just learn something about yourself along the way!

About Heywise

Get knOwledgeable! Heywise is where entertainment and trivia meet, like a turducken of fun. Anytime. Anywhere. Since 2017, Heywise has been a leader of quizzes on the web, on mobile devices, and across social media.

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