Only 1 in 50 Can Name These Creatures of Folklore


Legendary creatures, mythical creatures, or folklore creatures. We all know what a unicorn is and we've all heard of some version of a Loch Ness monster. But not many of us know much past that. That's where this Ultimate Folklore Creature Quiz comes in. For those who want to know more about mythological creatures, or for those who want to test their own knowledge on the subject.

Whichever reason you’re here, you can be sure you will walk away feeling better than you did before you started. So, let’s get started! But beware, things are about to get weird, creepy, and flat-out fantastic! Though you won’t find out where to find these fantastic beasts, you sure will enjoy the knowledge from whichever side it’s coming from.

Charlie, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterCharlie, Heywise Staff

Charlie took to the written word like a fish takes to water. That is to say; they found themselves immersed in literature from before they were born. They've been known to tell their friends how they can still remember the passages their parents read to them when they were in utero - Emily Dickinson, Jane Austen, and a bit of Hunter S. Thompson thrown in to balance it out. Charlie keeps their feet wet, whether they're whipping up pithy one-liners to tease your brain or busy working on their second novel (the first one is available on Amazon under a pen name they refuse to disclose). You’re sure to get a kick out of giggle-worthy explanations and outrageous hints, and still come away feeling like you’ve just expanded your knowledge base.

Did you know?

A Lot of our Most Common Expressions Came from Greek Mythology

For real! One of the most common is “Achilles Heel” which is meant to describe a weakness. It was coined when Achilles was dipped into a river to give him immunity to death. Thetis dipped him in the water, holding him by the heel, giving him a weak spot. His heel that was exposed to the air and didn’t get any of the magical water on it was the death of him.

Another phrase is “beware of Greeks bearing gifts” which means to be wary when things are too good to be true. This would be a reference to the Trojan War; we’ve all heard of it. The wooden horse was a gift that was used to disguise the Greeks inside that burned down the city. So, what looked like a peace offering was really a means to destroy their enemies. Some peace offering. Then there’s the Midas Touch which, obviously comes from King Midas who could turn anything he touched into gold. In our world, it means something or someone that everything they have anything to do with turns out well. Trust the Midas Touch.

Then we have names like Adonis, obviously must have been quite handsome, and Nemesis, who needs no explanation as the goddess of retribution! These names are used on a daily basis all over the world! Want one more? The word phobia comes from the Greek god Phobos! Who knew Greek mythology was responsible for not only that but so much of our language today?

How to Play?

Instructions on how to take a trivia quiz? What? They're easy, right? Well, if it's your first day on the internet or on Heywise, we'd like to take a moment and say, "welcome! We're glad you're here, and you're in for a wild ride."

So you've found a quiz, and gosh darn it, you know you know all the answers. Choose the correct answer and keep going! We've got hints ready when you need them and some other goodies, too.

Not happy with your result? If you're signed in to Heywise, you can always try our "beat this score" feature on the My Quizzes page. Good luck!

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Get knOwledgeable! Heywise is where entertainment and trivia meet, like a turducken of fun. Anytime. Anywhere. Since 2017, Heywise has been a leader of quizzes on the web, on mobile devices, and across social media.

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