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Which country did Halloween originate in?

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Peg, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterPeg, Heywise Staff

Don’t let her focus on food-related quizzes fool you, Peg is a pro in many arenas. Even though she spends most of her free time whipping up delicious cookies and concocting new recipes for easy but impressive gluten-free cakes, Peg’s brain holds a vast collection of knowledge about everything from baby animals to what you need to know to graduate from different school grades. While she’s the first to admit everything she reads doesn’t necessarily stick in her head, Peg keeps her mind fresh by reading the Financial Post and Globe and Mail on the regular, and coming up with fantastic ideas for new quizzes. She’s a secret fan of gossip, too, so watch out for her intense celeb topics!

Did you know?

The Largest Pumpkin is over 2,600 Pounds!

Every couple of years, the record for the biggest pumpkin in history is broken. Most recently, in 2016, a man named Mathias Willemijn grew a record-breaking pumpkin that weighed 2,624.6 lbs. This surpassed the previous record by over 300lbs!

This tradition began in 1900 when the first to grow a world record was named. His name was William Warnock, and he grew a pumpkin that ended up weighing 400lbs. That was a lot at the time, but these days it’s amateur compared to nearly 3,000lbs! It took 98 years to break the 1000lbs threshold and another 14 to break the one-ton mark. I wonder how long until they really do reach 3,000. To put that into perspective, a grand piano or a grizzly bear. One-ton or 2000lbs weighs the same as two hefty horses, ten kangaroos, or a 2008 Lotus Exige.

Keep in mind that this pumpkin was heavier than any of these. Now imagine how scary a jack-o-lantern made with this pumpkin would be. Or maybe it could break the pumpkin pie record, which was a five-foot pie, which weighed 350 pounds. This pie used 36lbs of sugar, 12 dozen eggs, and80lbs of pumpkin. That much pumpkin took six hours to cook. Speaking of pumpkins though, if you want to get the perfect pumpkin check out Morton, Illinois which is the pumpkin capital of the world! And why not? They are really good for you, with Vitamin A and a 90% water content! Orange you glad they are so tasty?

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Get knOwledgeable! Heywise is where entertainment and trivia meet, like a turducken of fun. Anytime. Anywhere. Since 2017, Heywise has been a leader of quizzes on the web, on mobile devices, and across social media.

We explore a broad range of topics – from sports to history, language to pop culture, personality to health. Our quizzes motivate readers to test their knowledge and learn new and exciting facts.

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