Have you ever had a panic attack or felt your heart start pounding at random moments? You may think other people react to different situations better than you do, and maybe you have a fear of the unknown. If you've experienced tunnel vision when nervous or have been deemed an introvert when you really are interested in being the life of the party, this quiz is for you. Do you have anxiety? Let's find out.
For more information about Anxiety, please visit the Anxiety and Depression of Association of America at https://adaa.org/
Quiz WriterPeg, Heywise Staff
Don’t let her focus on food-related quizzes fool you, Peg is a pro in many arenas. Even though she spends most of her free time whipping up delicious cookies and concocting new recipes for easy but impressive gluten-free cakes, Peg’s brain holds a vast collection of knowledge about everything from baby animals to what you need to know to graduate from different school grades. While she’s the first to admit everything she reads doesn’t necessarily stick in her head, Peg keeps her mind fresh by reading the Financial Post and Globe and Mail on the regular, and coming up with fantastic ideas for new quizzes. She’s a secret fan of gossip, too, so watch out for her intense celeb topics!
Did you know?
40 million people in America alone, 18% of the population, experience an anxiety symptom or disorder annually. In fact, most people who will come to have an anxiety disorder begin feeling symptoms before they hit their teens. Many who have an anxiety disorder experienced a host of symptoms before they turned 21. Anxiety is often masked for those who also have a major depressive disorder. 322 million people worldwide live with a depression disorder. Diagnosing anxiety on top of depression can be hard for doctors. Recent research finds that anxiety disorders run in families and are biological, like allergies or diabetes.
How to Play?
Our personality quizzes are set up a little differently than your basic trivia quiz, but you’ve probably seen their kind around. Rather than having to choose the right answer from a list of multiple choice options, in this case, there is no “right answer”! (Two plus two will always be four, but every Golden Girls character is equally awesome.)
So, stop stressing. Just click on the answer that suits you best, and enjoy the ride. These quizzes are just for fun but who knows – you might just learn something about yourself along the way!
About Heywise
Get knOwledgeable! Heywise is where entertainment and trivia meet, like a turducken of fun. Anytime. Anywhere. Since 2017, Heywise has been a leader of quizzes on the web, on mobile devices, and across social media.
We explore a broad range of topics – from sports to history, language to pop culture, personality to health. Our quizzes motivate readers to test their knowledge and learn new and exciting facts.
We’re inspired by food and unique destinations around the globe. We love movies and TV shows, but most of all we love having the opportunity to share these passions with you.
Have you ever wondered what color represents your personality? Do you know which Hogwarts House you belong to? Are you a Pessimist or an Optimist? Our unique personality quizzes will help you find out! We want to share the knowledge of all things awesome with you.
We’re the best quiz site on the internet. That might be our opinion, but it’s pure fact that we get up in the morning expressly to share awesome, eye-opening knowledge with you. So, come get your brain pumping.