Very few of us actually enjoy taking tests. Chief among those that are generally dreaded is the Standard Aptitude Test. Some hate the verbal component. Others hold their nose, cross their fingers, and hope for the best doing the math. There are those, though, that have fond memories of an astounding verbal score. So we offer up our own version of the standardized test analogy section. There is good news. Your future college prospects and possibly career prospects don't hinge on your success rate for this fun quiz. The less than good news, though, is that there are no prep books out there to get you ready for the mind-bending awesomeness of the analogies we've put together here. Ready for the SAT?
Quiz WriterPeg, Heywise Staff
Don’t let her focus on food-related quizzes fool you, Peg is a pro in many arenas. Even though she spends most of her free time whipping up delicious cookies and concocting new recipes for easy but impressive gluten-free cakes, Peg’s brain holds a vast collection of knowledge about everything from baby animals to what you need to know to graduate from different school grades. While she’s the first to admit everything she reads doesn’t necessarily stick in her head, Peg keeps her mind fresh by reading the Financial Post and Globe and Mail on the regular, and coming up with fantastic ideas for new quizzes. She’s a secret fan of gossip, too, so watch out for her intense celeb topics!
Did you know?
The SAT was first developed by Princeton prof Carl Brigham in the 1920s. In 1926, a few thousand college applicants took his test. Nevertheless, it wasn't until a Harvard dean was looking for a way to decide between scholarship applicants, that the test gained more credibility. The same Harvard dean, in 1938, talked all College Board member schools into using the SAT as a uniform exam for scholarship applicants.
Nevertheless, it was the war that truly saw the SAT staking its claim to admission test dominance. In 1942, all pre-existing College Board admissions tests were abolished, leaving the SAT as the last test standing. In 1944, the SAT was administered to more than 300,000 people all over the country in a single day. Four years later, the Educational Testing Service was chartered, and the SAT became the basic college admissions test undertaken by millions of prospective applicants. Today, the SAT remains ”the big test” when it comes to college applications, although the ACT's prominence has risen.
How to Play?
Instructions on how to take a trivia quiz? What? They're easy, right? Well, if it's your first day on the internet or on Heywise, we'd like to take a moment and say, "welcome! We're glad you're here, and you're in for a wild ride."
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Get knOwledgeable! Heywise is where entertainment and trivia meet, like a turducken of fun. Anytime. Anywhere. Since 2017, Heywise has been a leader of quizzes on the web, on mobile devices, and across social media.
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