Can You Name These Childhood Crushes of the 1960’s?


Before the era of female superstars that we see ourselves in now, there was a wave of ladies who were pioneers in modelling, acting and singing, while also stealing the hearts of men around the world. It is amazing to think that even in an era without the internet we have today, that there was still a selection of famous women who were globally recognized and starred in films, magazines and photographs. From Bond girls to Oscar winners, these women were equally as influential as they were beautiful and have captivated, motivated and inspired women ever since.

These are the women who your fathers and grandfathers had boyhood crushes on, and therefore, it is time to test your knowledge and see if you can recognize and name these childhood crushes of the 1960’s from their faces.

Joselyn, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterJoselyn, Heywise Staff

Joselyn wasn’t too keen on multiple choice in high school. She vividly remembers the first biology exam she passed by only the skin of her teeth, which dragged her overall average down into the embarrassingly low 90s (she doesn’t want to talk about it). After swearing off any high school or university courses that required multiple choice tests, Joselyn managed to get an English degree by sweet-talking her professors into offering only essay-style exams. Needless to say, this did not exactly endear her to her peers. This rocky start smoothed out in time, though, and after tumbling down a black quiz hole one day while putting off job hunting, Joselyn realized her hatred of all things a-b-or-c had faded and she actually enjoyed dreaming up new ideas for questions and dangerously correct-sounding answers. You won’t find her quizzes an easy ride, but Joselyn just wants to make sure you’re really testing your knowledge.

Did you know?

The 1960s

Did you know that, during the 1960’s, Elizabeth Taylor won two Academy Awards, Katharine Hepburn won two and Maggie Smith, Julie Christie, Julie Andrews, Patricia Neal, Anne Bancroft and Sophia Loren won one each? Taylor was just the fourth woman to win two Academy Awards, and Katharine Hepburn was the first female to receive three Academy Awards for Best Actress in her career. The 1960’s also marked a turning point in cinema history with foreign-made films like Doctor Zhivago and Lawrence of Arabia bringing British and American attention to the abilities of foreign filmmakers and producers. Additionally, "Cleopatra," Elizabeth Taylor’s most popular film, is the only film to ever be the highest-grossing film of the year, yet to make an overall loss. Production and marketing costs ended up being much higher than expected, costing $44 million. Despite this, the film won four Academy Awards and was nominated for an additional five, yet ended up losing Best Picture to the Tony Richardson film "Tom Jones."

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