Master the Art of Trivia: Take Our Quiz and See If You Can Answer These Trivial Questions!


It's amazing the amount of trivial information that gathers in our minds. Though as we see from Jeopardy, it can be very beneficial to know! Some of it pertains to our day-to-day business.

A lot of it simply soaks in unnoticed as we go about our affairs with friends, family, and the daily news as time goes by. It's beyond interesting that facts we learn in school can linger in our memory before being recalled by a question. An interesting and compelling explanation may exist about something that's been a part of our lives all along.

That we've experienced every day and never really looked deep into our psyche. How many times have you been asked a question about something you knew? You knew the answer but couldn't come up with it on the spot.

How many things do you pass by in a day that you take for granted? Here's a quiz testing your everyday knowledge mixed with things you may have learned and forgotten, things you never knew might be interesting and some pure trivia that might blow your mind.

Nathan, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterNathan, Heywise Staff

Let us introduce you to the Listicle Liege, the Article Aficionado, the one and only Nathan. Since creating his first photo collage at the age of five with images clipped from his mom’s Chatelaine magazines (all of them), it’s been nearly impossible to stem this one’s tide of visual learning. Be it the annals of history or the latest celeb gossip, Nathan has probably researched it, likely already has a folder of relevant photos on his desktop, and definitely learned a lot of interesting facts to go with those images. Whereas most well-read adults have bookshelves full of classic literature, Nathan’s stacks are composed of National Geographic and TIME special editions and a curated section of first-grade readers (for inspiration). If you prefer picture books to wordy novels, listicles by Nathan are right up your alley.

Did you know?

Like Quizzes?

Did you know that the pub quiz originated in the UK in the 1970s? It was developed by a company in order to shore up slow nights in pubs. Did you know that the word "trivia" is linked to Classical Latin and loosely translates to "three roads?" It refers to three parts of education; grammar, rhetoric, and logic. The notion of something being "trivial" relates to a lesser level of education which some consider the liberal arts to be.

Did you know that the zebra's stripes aren't there just because of camouflage? Recent studies have found that the stripes also aid tremendously in helping keep the odd-looking ungulates cool in the Africa heat.

Did you know that the game, Trivial Pursuit, was developed after its inventors discovered that there were pieces missing while playing a game of Scrabble? They were frustrated at the moment and ended up coming up with the concept for their own game. The game went on to sell millions of units, and in the year 1984, 20 million games were sold.

How to Play?

Instructions on how to take a trivia quiz? What? They're easy, right? Well, if it's your first day on the internet or on Heywise, we'd like to take a moment and say, "welcome! We're glad you're here, and you're in for a wild ride."

So you've found a quiz, and gosh darn it, you know you know all the answers. Choose the correct answer and keep going! We've got hints ready when you need them and some other goodies, too.

Not happy with your result? If you're signed in to Heywise, you can always try our "beat this score" feature on the My Quizzes page. Good luck!

About Heywise

Get knOwledgeable! Heywise is where entertainment and trivia meet, like a turducken of fun. Anytime. Anywhere. Since 2017, Heywise has been a leader of quizzes on the web, on mobile devices, and across social media.

We explore a broad range of topics – from sports to history, language to pop culture, personality to health. Our quizzes motivate readers to test their knowledge and learn new and exciting facts.

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