When Xavier Sierra answered a text asking for his help, he answered without a thought. The 18-year-old had no idea what he was getting himself into when he agreed to assist Connie Serbu with a small home project.
Mother of two with her disabled brother John Vargas accompanying her in the car, Connie Serbu had carefully planned her day. Earlier that morning, Connie had offered 18-year-old Xavier Sierra some cash in return for some manual labor.
When Xavier Sierra answered a text asking for his help, he answered without a thought. The teenager had no idea what he was getting himself into when he agreed to assist Connie Serbu with a small home project. Shortly after finishing up a job interview at an animal clinic, Xavier waited outside for Connie to pick him up.
After picking Xavier up, everything started out smoothly. Things quickly took a turn for the worse as soon as Xaver noticed that Serbu was not headed toward her house at all.
Connie Serbu’s daughter had recently revealed a long-held secret to her mother, a secret she had been keeping to herself for years. According to Serbu’s daughter, Xavier had sexually assaulted her when she was just six years old. At the time, Xavier was eleven years old.
Serbu’s daughter couldn’t comprehend what had happened to her at the time, but the trauma of the assault never fully escaped her mind, leaving an open wound forever. Something her mother couldn't stand to let live.
When Serbu’s daughter admitted the trauma of her past, Connie was absolutely devastated. Promising to do something about the horrific assault, Connie assured her husband that she would take matters into her own hands even if it meant that she would no longer be in her children’s life.
Connie had frequently discussed murdering Xavier with her friends, and even assured her own daughter that she would never have to worry about him hurting her ever again. Everyone urged Connie to resist exacting her revenge, but the plan was already in motion.
Before picking up Xavier, Connie and her brother John loaded the car up with two guns, two stun guns, an ice pick, plastic gloves, and paper towels. With intent to kill and her mind made up, Connie took no time to begin berating Xavier for the sins of his past.
Serbu drove into the woods, and as soon as the car braked, Xavier took off on foot, unaware of the many weapons Connie had stocked to hunt him down.
Connie took no time to begin berating Xavier for the sins of his past. Serbu drove into the woods, and as soon as the car braked, Xavier took off on foot, unaware of the many weapons Connie had stocked to hunt him down.
Serbu and Vargas followed Xavier on foot, chasing him as fast as they could. Vargas reached the teenager first, and despite his efforts to wrestle the gun out of Vargas’ hands, Xavier failed.
Two shots were fired, hitting Vargas first, then several followed. Once Connie caught up, she fired her weapon six more times, all piercing Xavier’s body.
After seeing her brother was shot in the abdomen, Connie called 911. Prioritizing her brother's health, Connie immediately confessed her crime to the authorities.
Emergency vehicles and police showed up shortly after, Xavier was pronounced dead at the scene.
Despite Connie's effort to get her wounded brother medical attention as fast as possible, Vargas eventually was pronounced dead shortly after boarding the ambulance.
Connie Serbu may have willing given herself up to police, saying ”I don't care, he raped my daughter” when she was booked, but the mother of two expressed feeling regret over involving her brother.
One of Xavier Sierra's friends revealed to a new outlet that Serbu's arrest ”brings a big weight off my chest and helps me take a deep breath. Things are taking a step in the right direction, and it feels good to know justice is being served.”
As she had assured before, Connie was forced to give up custody of her two children and allow her husband to raise them on his own as she served out her sentence.
News quickly spread about Connie's vengeful crime. Outlets all over the country detailed her plan and execution of her daughter's alleged rapist. Many were torn on whether to find reason within Connie's actions.
Despite Serbu's confession of feeling guilty about her brother's passing, she remained completely remorseless when asked if she regretted killing Xavier. She freely confessed to murdering the teenager and accepted her fate behind bars for years to come.
Article Writer
Let us introduce you to the Listicle Liege, the Article Aficionado, the one and only Nathan. Since creating his first photo collage at the age of five with images clipped from his mom’s Chatelaine magazines (all of them), it’s been nearly impossible to stem this one’s tide of visual learning. Be it the annals of history or the latest celeb gossip, Nathan has probably researched it, likely already has a folder of relevant photos on his desktop, and definitely learned a lot of interesting facts to go with those images. Whereas most well-read adults have bookshelves full of classic literature, Nathan’s stacks are composed of National Geographic and TIME special editions and a curated section of first-grade readers (for inspiration). If you prefer picture books to wordy novels, listicles by Nathan are right up your alley.
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